ATTN: Loan Officers / Brokers / Lenders Looking to Generate Additional Revenue

This 4-Session Masterclass Teaches Your LOA How To Confidently Manage Your Pipeline So You Can Close More Deals And Triple Your Loan Production

Without Wasted Time, Imperfect Systems, Or Missed Opportunities

Every Tuesday Starting At 10:30 AM PST

From May 2nd - 30th, 2023

Every Tuesday Starting At 10:30 AM PST From May 2nd - 23rd, 2023

Let Us Train Your LOA for YOU:

✅ Pipeline Management Like a PRO: The art & science of pipeline management and process.
✅ Preparing QUALITY Loan Submissions: How to prepare loan submissions that result in fewer than 5 borrower conditions.
✅ Optimizing & Leveraging TEAM: Dial in your team organization and communication to ensure success in all stages.
✅ Importance of Client Communication: Ensure your LOA has the verbal & written tips & tactics to create a sense of urgency with clients.

Perfect Your Systems. Get Your

Time Back. Close More Loans.

Want to learn how to generate additional annual revenue – simply by leveraging & training your LOA to be a rockstar?

This month-long, LOA masterclass, will consist of 4 x 90 minute sessions with extensive follow-up & support.

We have designed this training to take your LOA to their NEXT LEVEL of leadership, performance & pipeline management.

We will be training your LOA in best practices & proven strategies that 1,000+ loan officers have used to scale their business without adding more stress to their life (or yours).

LOA & LO are both welcome to attend.

You won't leave empty-handed... In addition to this LIVE Virtual training, you'll walk away with:
Private Facebook Group

Lifetime membership to a private LOA Facebook community. Ask questions & engage with other LO's & LOA's that have attended.

Exclusive Telegram Thread

Unlock access to our instant messaging platform where you can interact and stay 'in the know'.

Syllabus / Checklist

Living Google documents of our syllabus, links, and shared strategies in written form to keep you on track.

What Others Have To Say About Our

'LOA Masterclass':

"Both my LOA’s gave me a quick recap from the rest of the training and we have already added in our bi-weekly 'systems & habits' check-in starting tomorrow!"
Jeremy Rigdon, BRANCH MANAGER | Movement Mortgage
"My Transaction Coordinator loved it and already bought and read One Minute Manager! She is literally on fire for getting this in action!"
Nate Jomaa, Mortgage Broker | Coast2Coast Lending
"My LOA loved it and we have already added our training and pipeline meetings to our calendars! Now, she always knows exactly where to focus her time to produce as much as possible"
Melissa Schwartz, Branch Manager | MRS Mortgage
"Sammee got a lot out of the class and loves your teaching style. Now we have an hour and a half scheduled Friday morning at 6 AM to start implementing recurring meetings in our schedules. We’re also going to talk about my own homework from crew coaching: systemized referral touchpoints during the loan process."
Eric Leigh, VP of Mortgage Lending | Guaranteed Rate Inc.
Meet The Expert
Scott Groves
Scott Groves’ origin story is similar to many in the Mortgage world. From 2000-2008 he worked at a bank. From 08-10 he was very poor. By 2013 he was In the top 1% of Originators, a title he has maintained every year since. Using his Lead Generation practices, he doubled his income from 2014 to 2015 and again from 2015 to 2016. What was the secret?

After spending over $100,000 on events and coaches of his own, Scott has consolidated (get it, like the name?) that knowledge into easy to digest lessons to make sure you survive the hard times and thrive during the good times. Scott and our members know, the only “shortcut” to success is guidance from those who have done what we want to do.

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